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Here's A Secret About Permission and Healing

Updated: Jun 17, 2019

(Getting Better Is Your Job and No One Else's)

This is a picture of me when I was 28. I think I was on Vicodin. I was partying!

Today I can look at this picture and see a lot of different things. I see a man reaching for wellness but not quite there yet. I see a child running away from pain and the darker side of his personality and not understanding the consequences of running away.

But mainly, I see a person in transition and a person lost in the mystery of their own evolution and healing.

And I think that is the main lesson I want to convey today.

Healing yourself is your job, but it's a job that has no real way of measuring success beyond your own definition. And sometimes that can be difficult. So lighten up!

It doesn't matter where you are, or where you think you are, because any measuring stick is subjective and essentially made up by other people.

What matters is that you can see yourself smack dab "In the middle of things" and wholly dedicated to doing the work that can make a difference between where you are and where you think you can go.

Back then I didn't know about Gluten free. I didn't know about Damp Heat and Blood stagnation and proper circulation and Sleep hygiene.

I didn't know about proper liver function or fast mimicking diets. I didn't know that I could make a difference.

But now I do and what I learned has put me in active pursuit of the next things I don't know.

So, understand that whether it's working out more or cutting out dairy, you have a real, concrete way to move forward. It's right in front of you, you don't have to squint to find it.

At some point "Feeling Better" turns into something more rigorous and challenging. But that will happen when it happens. All you can do right now is to face what's on your plate, grab your knife and fork, and start chewing!

You have a real, concrete way to move forward. It's right in front of you, you don't have to squint to find it. .

Healing is not a linear path. At one time in my life herbs and supplements and exercise and meditation made up the bulk of my daily routine. Now it's running a successful acupuncture and wellness practice. That's how I heal now.

Things change. So just because you find yourself "Not where you want to be," don't lost sight of the bigger picture. You are on a unique path and trajectory. Don't let fake road signs distract you from that unfolding. Don't let someone else's strange journey distract you from the very real grind that is your only way forward.

At some point "Feeling Better" turns into something more rigorous and challenging. But that will happen when it happens.

Because you can get better. It doesn't matter if it seems far away. You can achieve it. Do what you have to do and then do it again. There are herbs and acupuncture protocols to make it easier and more attainable. There are exercises and food choices to make you stronger and more consistent. You can do it. These are your tools. But use them. Until you find new and better ones.

That man in the picture was me. He was always a healer and always a successful business person. He just had to unfold in his own way and his own timeline. So give yourself the time you need and the treatments that work. Dig until you can't. Then take a break. Then dig some more.

Peter Voigt L.Ac


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